Friday, January 30, 2009

Isaac's Last Days of Preschool

It was Isaac's last week in the co-op preschool. I really don't think he is able to comprehend that he well never go back. I don't know if he will ever ask. He really has enjoyed going to school and making projects and watering the garden and playing with the dumptruck. We have the fisher price "little people school" at home and one time he found the teacher and said "Look, its Teacher Annie!"
I am sad to see preschool come to an end. Isaac's teacher was terrific as well as all the other moms that I met and worked with. I was finally getting the hang of coming back to preschool.
On Tuesday, we made t-shirts for every child in the class. It was a fun and crazy project painting Isaac's hand and going around to 15 other shirts in the class. They turned out really great! I thought that this was a perfect project for Isaac to complete on his last day so that he can remember preschool in Cali.

On Thursday, Isaac and his class took a field trip to the Camarillo Helipad. I knew that he was going be fascinated by the police car, ambulance, fire engine and helicopter. I have said before Isaac loves all transportation and rescue transportation is just a bonus!

Isaac was able to be the volunteer to show the everyone how this helicopter rescues people! I love how his tongue is sticking out. Totally, my boy!!

Mike said that when Isaac was able to tour the helicopter he immediately went to the passenger side and put on his seat belt hoping to go on a helicopter ride. The Ventura rescue people were amazed and had a good laugh.

Isaac being a passenger in an ambulance. When he got home he was so excited to show me his pack of goodies and fire hat. Thank you co-op preschool for giving my son an opportunity to have fun away from home.


Jessie said...

How fun for Isaac! Why did it end so early?

Janelle said...

I love those pictures! That looks like a great field trip! Isaac looks like he had a blast!!!

Jennifer said...

What a fun preschool! I bet it is sad to leave, but I'm sure other great things await!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

What an awesome preschool, that looks so fun!!

Cristi Lou said...

Hi! It was so good to hear from you. I've been brousing your blog for a little while but didn't know how to leave a comment. Your family is so cute. I'm excited that you'll be moving back to Utah. When will that be? I'm excited to see you. Hope your family is doing well!