Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cousin Play at the Park

Finding time to blog has been a little bit difficult. It is really sad to say that the only time I have found to do this is at a quarter to ten. Everyone here in the house is asleep. The last several days have been a yucky mess.. everyone has been sick. And it doesn't end there my kids have been the culprits. We have had the flu and have no idea where we picked it up and have gotten other people sick at the Davenport home. I could totally die. Mike has been very ill today, the kids are getting better, and I hope that I will be able to have a restful night of sleep, without anyone barfing, midnight baths or diarrhea. We have also have extended our trip a whole week due to Mike taking a last minute business trip to Florida. My Father-in-law, the wonderful man he is, has offered to let us stay another week and help me with the children while Mike hits the state of Sunshine. It is easier for him to leave from here rather than flying across the country twice in one day.

We haven't been sick the whole time and have been able to enjoy special one on one time with several of Mike's siblings and their families. Here are some fun photos taken by Alan, my father-in-law at the Park on Christmas Eve before the festivities. I am not at the park but am busy slaving away in the kitchen, with all the women, which I am totally happy to do. The men found themselves kicked out of the home and decided to go to the park to play basketball.

I loved this photo of Mike in the air. Here he is with his nephews and brother-in-law.

Isaac on the slide

Lillie being pushed by cousin Michael. Yes, this is Mike's namesake. His middle name is even our last name. I enjoy Katherine telling me the story of why she named him after Mike. Michael is 12 and is the best sitter. I wish we lived close so that I could use him more often. Lillie and Isaac loved playing with him and all their N. cousins.

Isaac playing basketball.
Isaac and Lillie being pushed by cousin Mike and Daniel.

Lillie in the music room. What you don't see in the photo is the many plants that are to the left that she enjoys gardening. Grandpa probably caught her in this photo.

Ari was not at the park that day but enjoyed a long nap on Grandma's couch.

1 comment:

Janelle said...

I am sorry that you have all had the flu bug! Those pictures are great! It looks like your kids truly love spending time with their cousins!!!