Saturday, January 24, 2009

At the Doctor's Office

One night, Isaac cried uncontrollably when he was three months old. Nothing, it seemed would appease him. I, a new mom was at a loss to know what to do. I just moved here to California and everything was new. I was tired, Mike was tired so we ended up calling our doctor's office at 2 am. And this is the Doctor that answered. I will never forget that night or that morning when we went in to see what was the matter with Isaac. Of course, Nothing was. He told me that sometimes babies cry for a long period of time. But the way he handled the situation and his true concern about Isaac and my welfare has made me come to
him ever since.

So.. it's time for check-ups! My two girls have made it to their milestones of 4 mos. and 18 mos. The nicest thing about having them this close it that we can do their check ups together.

Ari waiting patiently to get weighed and measured.

Silly Lillie waiting for the same thing

I am very sad to leave the clinic that I have taken my children to ever since Isaac was 2 1/2 months old. We have still come even after we have moved a good half hour away two years ago. All the staff and Doctors have been wonderful and fantastic, even though we see this one especially. Here is our doctor that sees my kids on a regular basis, the man I will miss coming to see about my children's welfare. He has been so good and even asks me how I am doing. I remember coming in for Ari's first check up, he turned to me and asked, so.. do the grandparents live close? Nothing gets past him. In other words, I am sure you are overwhelmed and need help. (Yeah, I need help.) He also gave me some great advice.. Enjoy my children they don't stay small for long. Sometimes.. I do deserve a pat on the back, I found a good clinic and an awesome doctor. He has made me so happy!

Isaac training to be like Dr. Maclaren. He is learning from the greatest.
Dr. Maclaren is from Scotland so it has always been fun to listen to his bur of and accent.

Now it's Lillie Kate's turn

It hasn't been a secret that we have all been sick for 3 1/2 weeks. We are currently now are on the mend. Yea!!!! For Us!!! I am now the only one that has is taking antibiotics for an ear and sinus infection. Taking three children to the Urgent Care by yourself with your three year old screaming like a banshee because his ear hurt was the ultimate highlight of Mike being gone on his business trip.


The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Oh my goodness, get your family better! You poor things, I hope you guys are able to stay illness free for awhile after this. Your doctor looks so cute!

Janelle said...

I am so glad that ypu have a great doctor! That makes such a differance! I think it is so cute that your doctor lets Issac play doctor with him!!!

Andersen Family said...

Wow Jess, you are so lucky to find a great doctor--or not lucky, smart. Something anyway. Your kids are so cute! Nya is sick and on antibiotics too--get your family better and you too!