Our Latest Family Picture
Ari Davenport one week old. So far she has been really good but what newborn isn't. All they do is sleep, eat, and the other. I am just getting used to doing those midnight feedings and the feedings that come in the wee hours of the mornings (again). Sometimes.. we stay up watching Law and Order reruns. Thank you TNT. So who do you think this little cutie looks like?
The two sisters. Lillie loves her new little sister she loves kissing her and laying her head on her tummy. She also enjoys patting her head and her back. Some pats are just a little more agressive than others but what can you do.. the child is 14 months. This pic was taken at 10:30 pm.. Lillie has been waking up late at night due to two teeth coming in.
Congrats! She's beautiful and I love her name! I'm laughing so hard about the hiking and jogging to get her to come...I'm glad it worked!
I think she looks like Lillie Kate!
Wow Jess, SHe's adorable just like lillie and isaac! can't wait to see her in person... hang in there its going to be a bit bumpy :)
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