Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First Steps with some brotherly love!

Lillie is walking! She has been very determined to do it herself. Here is a movie of some of her first steps. Isaac of course is doing his part to help her succeed. :) Just Like a three year old brother should. Lillie and I went to Stride Rite today to get her some new shoes. She hasn't been able to take them off yet so that is a good sign. And yes.. we like to parade in our underwear and Lillie enjoys wearing her brother's hand me down pj's. Totally typical of us! Knock your socks off!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

7 DAYS, Jessica? Are you ready?

It's so good to see that my 3 year old isn't the only one that takes cheap shots at his little sibling. Lillie is so determined and SO cute!