Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fall cookie making and Apple steaming

October has always been one of my favorite months. We have enjoyed canning peaches, grape juice and apple juice. It is also my favorite baking month. Sugar Cookies are a favorite cut out in all the fun Halloween shapes. This year I tried a different cookie recipe, it was alright but I think I am still getting used to baking in our new oven. I really enjoy a soft sugar cookie.. these turned out to be a little crunchy but my children loved to decorate and eat them anyway.

Tasting the wares! Isaac and Lillie Kate loved to sprinkle as many sprinkles as a cookie possibly could hold. I let them. Last year we didn't make sugar cookies so all the decorations needed to be used. The black sugar was a definate hit!

Our organic apple juice made from a combonation of golden and red delicious apples. Straight from the two trees in my parents yard. The brown one is spiced.. and it is so good!

I think the cookies turned out great.. Like the snake? Isaac artistically made and decorated it himself.


Jennifer said...

Happy Halloween! Those look like great sugar cookies. Mmmm.... makes me want to make some with my girls too. :)

Janelle said...

Those cookies are amazing!!! I love the black sugar! It makes the cookies look ready to be eaten by the ghosts and goblins!!!