Saturday, July 19, 2008

Lillie Kate's First Birthday!!!!!

Happy Birthday Lillie!! You are One today!!! We decided to somewhat celebrate Isaac's birthday too by letting him open his presents early. His birthday is 6 days away. I cried last night because I cannot believe that my children are getting so big. My daughter is turning one and my son will be three. They won't be little babies forever. I love them both so much and they bring the greatest joy in my life. Lillie's first word was Uh-oh! She is a great repeater and can speak very clearly. I am surprised. Her favorite word is "daddy" or "dada" which is totally fine by me. "Honey, she wants you!" (See how this goes :) She also says doggie, mama, hot, and several more. She is a great repeater. Her ultimate favorite sound to make is her cackle. And all animal sounds are roars or growls. (I thought girls might be a little different but then she has got a good brother.)

The Cake and presents!

The one year old!

Isn't she so sweet!

Posing for the camera!
One of the many presents.. Two babies! I hope she loves these just as much as she likes playing with Isaac's cabbage patch. It been a little bit of a trial. Cross your fingers for us.

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